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Is orgasmic kissing actually possible?

“So long as lips shall kiss,and eyes shall see,so long lives this ,and this gives life to thee.” – Mallanaga Vātsyāyana, The Complete Kāma-Sūtra: The First Unabridged Modern Translation of the Classic Indian Text

Also referred to as “the world’s oldest treatise on sex”, the Kama Sutra provides endless guidance on kissing, including thirty different ways to go about it. Kissing is generally the doorway to a good foreplay session, so take your time – explore as many different ways to kiss as you can!

Both science and intimacy coaches support what the Kama Sutra has been saying for centuries: one set of lips mirror the other, and “orgasmic kissing” is real. Alex Myles offers up some modernized techniques for orgasmic kissing in this article on Elephant Journal.