(415) 322-9411
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Let’s Talk

I offer in-person coaching at my Mill Valley office, 10 minutes North of the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge, California. 

Online sex coaching, Zoom and phone sessions are also available nationally & worldwide in English, French, Spanish or German. 

On your journey towards realizing your goals for love, sex and intimacy, I am here to support you. 

Please fill out the form below to get started. I look forward to hearing from you.


For all new client inquiries please fill out the new client form on the right.


General information and non client inquiries should email us at – drnamitacaen (@)


New Client Inquiry


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    Butterflies All Over Again

    Learn how to make your relationship feel vibrant, connected, and sexy again with your fun, free step-by-step Touch Guide to reclaiming intimacy (butterflies included!)