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Ever tried having sex while using a cannabis product? Every year, more states in the US are fully legalizing cannabis. With its growing acceptance and availability, more fun, inventive and sexy ways to use it are surfacing. Aside from smoking or vaping, cannabis can be taken via drinks, candies, lubes, creams, and tinctures. If you’re considering experimenting with CBD or THC to see how it might help bolster or enhance your sexual pleasure, read on!


Why Try? 

Its purposes can range from recreation and relaxation to pain reduction and medical treatments. Figuring out which strains work well for you may take some trial and error, but you might find it’s worth the effort. Especially for people with vaginas. If you are looking for increased pleasure or seeking solutions to sexual challenges such as pain, anxiety, vaginal dryness, or difficulties reaching orgasm, it may be worth your while exploring how cannabis might benefit you…and your sex life!


Here’s What the Science Says 

We often hear about cannabis being divided into two categories, CBD and THC. CBD is known for promoting relaxation and pain & inflammation reduction and THC is known more for its psychotropic effects (an altered state). If you want to achieve a specific goal with your cannabis use, talking to someone at your local dispensary is a great place to start! 



Here’s some of the basics… CBD and THC dilate blood vessels which increases blood flow. This means opening up the blood vessels and bringing more blood to erectile tissue (ie the clitoris). That’s why cannabis can help with lubrication and possibly orgasm! In fact, humans have a whole system in the body called the endocannabinoid system, which is what cannabis “talks to” when we ingest it. This system helps our bodies maintain their neutral balance. Taking THC and/or CBD can also put you in a relaxed and happy mood, which can be ideal for sexual pleasure and play.

Dr. Namita Caen Sex and Intimacy Coaching Cannabis

Pain Relief

Some people swear by topical cannabis products for pain relief. If you struggle with vaginal discomfort or pain during intercourse, CBD lubes could help with this challenge. Applying a CBD lube 15-20mins before sex can promote relaxation, more natural lubrication  vaginal pain relief. THC lubes can also enhance pleasurable sensations, create a feeling of  mild euphoria, and more intense orgasms!

Sensitivity to cannabis differs person to person, but most say that the usual psychotropic effect of ingested cannabis (aka “getting high”) doesn’t happen when applied topically to mucous membranes and that it’s strictly a “body high” – one that varies for everyone from being solely “area-specific” to full-bodied euphoria. People with penises generally don’t feel the effects as much or at all, at least not physically (though surely, they’re enjoying witnessing the heightened pleasure of their partners). If you’re going to try one of these products, be sure to pay attention to the directions. For example, unlike most lubricants, Foria’s topical oils needs to be applied at least 20 minutes prior to intercourse, so while this may not be totally spontaneous (which is ok), it does create a nice window for foreplay, prolonged self-enjoyment – and allowing your natural responsiveness to unfold.

Am I a Cannasexual? 

Does cannabis help you have better sex?  Award Winning Sex Coach Ashley Manta coined the term “cannasexual” referring to people who regularly mix cannabis and sex. She has talked and written extensively about how combining the two can elicit all kinds of positive impacts. Manta’s work is focused on opening minds and destigmatizing cannabis so that people can discover the potential benefits she herself has experienced. Her journey began when she found relief from vaginal pain using cannabis products. You can find out more about her story and work here. She is just one of many people who are benefiting from adding cannabis to your sexual toolkit.

Dr. Namita Caen Sex and Intimacy Coaching Cannabis and Sex

Different Products and Brands 

Methods for cannabis use will vary based on comfort levels, of course– but here is a list of some well-reviewed topical products and lubricants currently on the market.

  • Quim offers four different types of lube with different purposes. They all come highly rated. Their availability is mostly California based.
  • Foria Pleasure produces vaginal and anal suppositories, and topical sprays and lubes,
  • Kush Queen’s CBD lube is water-based and thus you get all the benefits of the CBD and it is latex friendly, so you can use it with condoms.
  • Toca Toto Oil is a spray that is oil-based, so should not be used with condoms. It can be used on all areas of the body as a massage oil, and can even be safely ingested. 

If you’re interested in trying a product like this, Foria has given me a discount code that offers 10% off your first purchase, click here to take advantage!


Whether for pleasure or pain management, combining cannabis and sex (and talking about it) is gaining momentum as legal access makes it more available to those who want to experiment with it. Remember, you deserve a happy and healthy sex life.. 

Contact me here if you would like support on your journey.