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Polyamory in a Pandemic

We have all been bearing the weight of shrinking our social circles this past year and minimized our physical contact in unprecedented ways to prevent the spread of Covid-19. To say the past year has been hard on those of us looking for love and sexual connections, is...

Throuples: Three’s Not a Crowd!

Image via Marvel Comics Written in celebration of Polyday, this November 23rd. With lots of love to all polyamorous couples, thouples and beyond!    As we rapidly approach 2021, the world is becoming more and more tolerant of different forms of sexual expression....

Sexual Agreements and Conversations (Part 2)

What are sexual agreements, anyway? Sexual conversation and agreements with our partners about sex, invite a healthy discussion about what we’re open to… and not open to, and the parameters of the relationship itself. These conversations go beyond...

Setting Healthy Sexual Boundaries (Part 1)

Conversations about sex: Consent and setting healthy sexual boundaries Good communication skills are the bedrock of a connected, healthy relationship. Conscious communication creates space for growth, exploration and understanding as well as the opportunity to set...

Polyamory and Ethical Non-Monogamy

What is polyamory and ethical non-monogamy? There are a lot of assumptions about polyamory and ethical non-monogamy, but scientists are starting to take a much closer look and the research results are revealing quite a bit. These relationships aren’t as common...

Are Open Relationships For You?

Surprising Facts About Polyamory While not for everyone, polyamory (loving or being romantically involved with more than one person at a time) is becoming more accepted and embraced in many places, and it’s a topic that sometimes comes up when I work with...

Setting Healthy, Loving Boundaries in Relationships

Boundaries in relationships? Really? Setting boundaries is as much about what you are saying Yes to as it is about what you are saying No to. It is actually generous to reveal your boundaries, and a deep act of vulnerability to ask for what you need. Boundaries in...

The Invention of Monogamy

Where did monogamy come from? Monogamy has a long and very interesting history. Check out this well-researched comic series on The Nib from Isabela Rotman and Sarah Mirk about the invention of the concept and how it has been a part of many cultures around the world...

A Q & A on Love and Sex with Dr. Namita Caen

Feature interview in the Pacific Sun with Dr. Namita Caen What does it really take to stay intimate with a partner and continue to enjoy your own sexuality? How does one address boredom, thoughts of an open relationship, regular date nights and physical activity to...