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Arranged Marriages

It’s estimated that about half of marriages worldwide are arranged. These weddings are marital unions brought together by a third party, sometimes a matchmaker, sometimes the families. They are typically not forced marriages. While arranged marriages come with their...

Inside the Rise of Black-Owned Sex Brands

It’s Black History month and in honor of celebrating diversity, here’s an article about diversity and inclusivity within sex brands. This month is all about highlighting black lives; their work and art; as well as acknowledging the work we still need to do towards...

Sexological Bodywork

What is somatic sex education? How about sexological bodywork? These experiential modalities are ground-breaking in the field of sex therapy & Intimacy coaching and can provide profound sexual healing and practical applicable education. Learn more about what this...

Help! I think I might be gay!

I think I might be gay. Now what? It takes courage to explore your sexuality, and sometimes I see clients who begin exploring theirs later in life – questioning if, perhaps, they might be gay or lesbian, or find they’re bi-curious and don’t know how to go about...