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What else can we talk about?

Emotions can be high right now – the longer we stay isolated from each other, the more difficult it can get for many of us. After, for some, weeks of social distancing and sheltering-in-place, we’re all finding new ways to communicate, and we’re spending a lot more time online, on the telephone, and on social media and video conference calls.

Inevitably, we’re talking about the coronavirus. How can we not? We all have questions, we’re concerned, and a lot of us are, frankly, getting tired of the work it takes to stay happy and focused in a time like this. In the middle of that, it seems almost impossible not to talk about the coronavirus because right now, it’s the topic dominating most of our minds.

But what do we do when the corona virus conversation just gets to be too much? It can happen to anyone at any time and as with anything else, it’s perfectly okay to say “I’m sorry. I don’t want to/can’t do this right now. I need to change it up.”

Bustle recently published this great article, 80 Conversation Starters That Don’t Have to Do With the Coronavirus, and it’s an extensive list of comforting and indulging topics (including sex!) that have everything to do with life in this moment. Except for the coronavirus.

If you’re struggling to connect, please reach out. Communication skills are extra important at this time as we shelter in place, and as we are generally social beings, the isolation can be difficult for many. I’m here for you.