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Sexy nurse… sexy police officer… sexy kitty… sexy school girl… sexy Yoda? (yes it’s out there!)

If you do a quick google search for sexy Halloween costumes you’ll receive results like “sexy Mrs. potato head” and “sexy Barney the purple dinosaur.” Each year it puts a smile on my face discovering which new costumes have been made “sexy”.

The creativity and whimsy inspires me: Anything can be sexy, as long as it’s sexy to you!

Find your unique fantasy

This Halloween I challenge you to give yourself and your partner the freedom to experiment and find your own unique definition of sexy.

Let your imagination lead the way

Perhaps you’ve fantasized about a tryst with a sexy stranger? Or, you’ve always had a thing for a lover in a uniform? Let your partner know – and ask them about their fantasies too!

It doesn’t have to be expensive or an elaborate costume! Perhaps it’s as simple as putting on a wig, wearing a set of heels, or even just donning a pair of cool sunglasses (Risky Business, anyone?) – whatever allows you to tap into your “inner sexy” that is already waiting there to be explored and expressed.

Go on an adventure with your partner

Maybe you feel a little shy and don’t usually dress up, or you are new to role-playing – let these sexy Halloween costumes show you that your turn-on can be playful and fun, and nothing to be embarrassed about!

Sex is meant to be fun: laughing and playing with your partner in these new ways will allow you to learn more about each other and deepen your connection, both in and out of the bedroom.

Expand your pleasure menu

Just like trying new foods – and potentially finding a new favorite! – you won’t know what you love in the bedroom until you try it!

Give yourself the chance to add some new items to your bedroom pleasure menu, step out of your routine, be a little playful, and unleash your inner naughty french maid, rugged pirate, or, yes, Yoda!

Happy Halloween! Let the fantasies begin!


Sex and intimacy coaching can help you create a satisfying and passionate sex life. I am here to help you on this journey! Contact me if you have questions, to set up a free phone consultation or to schedule your first appointment.