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Few shows dare to tackle the intricacies of human relationships and sexuality as boldly as “Good Sex.” This HBO max 2022 show offers a unique glimpse into the intimate lives of real couples who, under the guidance of a sex coach Caitlin.V, work to enhance their sexual relationships. Here’s a review of the series, exploring its themes and the conversations it fosters about love, sex, and communication.



“Good Sex” features five couples with varying backgrounds, sexual orientations, and relationship dynamics. Each couple is at a different stage in their relationship, from newlyweds to long-term partners. What unites them is a commitment to addressing their sexual concerns with the help of a certified sex coach. The show’s format breaks away from the sensationalism often associated with reality TV, opting instead for a more respectful, insightful look at personal subjects.


The presence of a professional therapist is pivotal. It ensures that the discussions remain constructive and informative, providing not only the participants but also the viewers with valuable insights into sexual health and emotional well-being. Each episode focuses on specific issues faced by the couples, including mismatched sexual desires, the impact of past traumas, and the exploration of new sexual territories.


Caitlin V

At the helm of “Good Sex” is Caitlin V, a sex and relationship coach with an impressive educational background in sexuality and public health from Indiana University and The Center for Sexual Health Advancement. Caitlin’s approach to sex education is holistic and pleasure-centered, aimed at dismantling shame and enhancing intimacy through understanding and communication.


“Good Sex” Show: Intimacy on Camera


The Sexual Blueprints

A notable feature of “Good Sex” is its incorporation of the sexual blueprints, a concept developed by somatic sexologist Jaiya. These blueprints categorize sexual preferences into five distinct types: Energetic, Sensual, Sexual, Kinky, and Shapeshifter. Caitlin V integrates these blueprints into the therapy sessions to help couples better understand their own and each other’s sexual desires.


This methodology helps couples in articulating their preferences and explore new ways to enhance their intimacy. By identifying and discussing their blueprint, partners can tailor their approach to sex, leading to more fulfilling and satisfying experiences. The inclusion of the blueprints in the show underscores its commitment to providing practical tools that couples can use to deepen their connection and improve their sexual dynamics.



One of the standout aspects of “Good Sex” is its unflinching honesty. The show does not shy away from difficult conversations, which is both its greatest strength and a source of viewer discomfort. This bold approach has been generally well-received, as it provides a platform for educating the public on topics that are often considered taboo.


Critics and audiences alike have praised the show for its educational content and the respectful manner in which it handles sensitive topics. It has been credited with demystifying aspects of sexual relationships that many find difficult to discuss openly, even with partners. The therapist’s role is particularly appreciated, providing a model for healthy communication and emotional support in relationships.


“Good Sex” Show: Intimacy on Camera


Ethical Considerations

“Good Sex” navigates the fine line between public exposure and privacy with a notable degree of ethical awareness. Participants are portrayed with depth and dignity, which is not always guaranteed in reality TV formats. The show is careful to ensure that it does not exploit its subjects, instead offering them a voice and agency throughout the process.


For viewers, “Good Sex” serves as more than just entertainment. It acts as a pseudo-educational series that can potentially improve viewers’ own relationships. By seeing real couples work through their issues, viewers might feel encouraged to address their own concerns, or at least feel less alone in their experiences.


Cultural Significance

The cultural impact of “Good Sex” cannot be understated. It arrives at a time when discussions around sex and relationships are becoming increasingly open and diverse. The show contributes positively to this dialogue, challenging the stigma around sexual therapy and encouraging a more nuanced understanding of what it means to work on a relationship.


“Good Sex” also pushes the envelope by featuring a diverse cast in terms of both racial backgrounds and sexual orientations. This inclusivity is crucial, as it reflects a more accurate cross-section of society and ensures that various perspectives on love and sex are explored.




Despite its many strengths, “Good Sex” is not without its limitations. Some critics argue that the format, while innovative, sometimes struggles to fully capture the depth of the couple’s journeys. The episodic nature of the show can make certain resolutions seem rushed or incomplete. Additionally, the very public exposure of such private moments can deter some viewers who find this level of openness more intrusive than educational.


Why watch it?

“Good Sex” is a pioneering show in the landscape of reality television. It offers a rare look into the intimate workings of relationships with a focus on improving sexual communication and satisfaction. By doing so, it not only entertains but also educates, making interesting viewing for anyone interested in the complexities of sexual relationships.


The series might not be for everyone, given its explicit content and the deeply personal issues it explores. However, for those who appreciate its educational potential and candid approach, “Good Sex” offers profound insights and a reminder of the importance of communication, understanding, and continual growth within relationships.


If you are seeking guidance or support on your relationship journey, please feel free to reach out to me.