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Good sex that lasts a lifetime? It’s possible.

I had the pleasure of meeting Martha Kauppi, renowned sex therapist and founder of Madison Wisconsin’s Institute for Relational Intimacy recently when I attended the 2018 Couples Conference here in the Bay, where hundreds of health and mental health professionals gather to learn about and share the latest research in couples’ work – highly informative and enlightening!

More on that to come, but in the meantime, I love how Martha’s work as a psychotherapist has a distinct focus on relationships and sexuality. Our bodies and sexual relationships change over time, and how we work with what comes up has everything to do with creating a good sex life that can last a lifetime. Martha emphasizes the tremendous value as an individual and as a couple of really honing the skills of communicating lovingly and effectively with each other. She also offers down to earth practical sexual advice – so you can see why I like it!

Read on for valuable tips on how to create good sex that lasts – a lifetime!