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With Halloween around the corner and dressing up on your mind, why not give those costumes another chance to show their glory, by giving them an encore in the bedroom! 



Dressing up for sexual encounters can be sexy and seductive, and novelty is a powerful tool to include in your sex life. When you’re in a long term relationship, switching things up helps keep it fresh and decreases the possibility of falling into routine. Instead of simply switching positions or settings, costumes allow us to play out imaginative fantasies–sometimes fantasies you didn’t even know you had!

Dr. Namita Caen Sex and Intimacy Coaching Sexy Cosplay

Newness brings intrigue. Intrigue brings excitement. Excitement brings arousal.


With novelty comes a dopamine hit. You probably felt it with the sex you had at the beginning of a relationship, when you and your partner were still new to each other. As the dopamine dwindles and love becomes secure and cozy, sex can sometimes becomes a little routine. Sexual novelty introduces the unfamiliar, the unpredicatable, and the dopamine, which, in turn, cranks up the erotic heat.


Dressing up can be a playful way to delve into a sexy fantasy and to explore your erotic connection in a new way. Costumes can be simple, like a sexy dress and fishnets, a dapper suit and tie, or you can go all out.


Dr. Namita Caen Sex and Intimacy Coaching Sexy Cosplay


However you choose to include dress-up this Halloween, have fun!  You might be pleasantly surprised! Please, reach out if you would like support or guidance.

Happy Halloween!