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Happy New Year! and welcome to this new decade.

With all that’s happening in the world right now, focusing on ourselves may not feel like the most important thing we can do, but our ability to experience and share pleasure, both non-sexual and sexual, is directly related to the amount of happiness in our lives. Happiness is wonderful in and of itself, and it’s also great fuel for achieving other dreams and goals in our lives!

There is pleasure simply in being present.

Increasing the level of pleasure you experience in your life doesn’t actually take a lot of effort – just a closer, more mindful look at how we live every day. It means bringing a mindful presence to the moments of joy we’re experiencing – conversations with good friends, a personal moment with a pint of favorite ice cream, special times with a significant other, the relaxation of much-needed solitude… Taking note of these things, really being present for them, and relishing the special and unique joys of each of these events is a practice that will immediately increase our sense of happiness and joy – it feels good to take stock of the good things in our lives. This simple practice of presence and gratitude can deeply shift our perspectives and change the way we see and approach challenges that may arise in our lives.

Pleasure mindfulness

What are you leaping into this new year? What changes will you make to increase your pleasure and happiness? What new things can you do to make more time for yourself, for each other, and for intimacy — not just sex, but including sex? Take note of what little things bring you both pleasure, make time for enjoying and being truly present for those things, and your whole perspective can change – opening doors for growth, exploration, and deeper levels of communication and intimacy.

The Soaring Twenties

Let’s move into this year and this new decade being mindful of the many ways in which we can experience pleasure and joy in our lives, practicing presence and gratitude, even for the challenges we face as individuals and in our relationships. If you’re not the type to set New Year’s resolutions, try this simple practice and see how it shifts the way you see and work with what comes up for you. Make a commitment to fully being present for these joy-sharing, intimate moments – with yourself, and with the ones you love.

As always, if you need a jump start or some gentle coaching and guidance to shift into a more pleasure-mindful way of being, please reach out – I’m here to help. 

Happy New Year! Happy New Decade!