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It might not feel like it, but you CAN recover from an affair.

For a lot of people, when they discover their significant other has been having an affair, it’s a devastation they think they’ll never recover from. Many people see it as the immediate end of their relationship and in some ways, it actually is. Betrayal is painful, to be sure, but as Tammy Nelson, Ph.D., says, “it is possible to create something new and beautiful in the wake of tragedy. Devastation can be an opportunity to bring more intentionality and commitment to a relationship.”

Recovering from infidelity isn’t an event, however, it’s a process. In order to get over it, you have to get through it – which means working through the broken trust, the hurt, and the work required to move forward. It’s not easy work, but it can be life-changing and if you’re willing to see it through, you might even come out on the other side renewed and even more dedicated to your commitment to each other, and with a whole new outlook. Listen to what Tammy has to say, here, about how to save a marriage after an affair:

If this is where you’ve found yourself, I’m here to help. Your partner having an affair doesn’t need to be the end of your relationship but a place of inquiry that can lead you to better relationship and intimacy skills. I’m here to help you navigate the waters of post-affair recovery and growth. Please contact me, and let’s look more deeply into your experience.