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Moving through menopause can be profound for women. It’s a life-changing process that can present both personal and relationship challenges. There may be physical and emotional changes such as hot flashes, fatigue, mood swings, vaginal dryness and changes in libido. There are, however, many ways to make this experience flow more smoothly.

What happens during menopause?

Menopause is a natural process for women with female reproductive systems, beginning with a phase called “perimenopause” – this is when a woman’s body slows its estrogen production and as such, there will be changes. Among other symptoms, a woman entering perimenopause may notice more irregularity in her menstrual cycle, a shift in her moods, thinning hair or a thickening waistline. As she moves closer to full menopause, these symptoms may start appearing with more intensity, accompanied by hot flashes as the drop in estrogen production quickens.

Are there treatments to help with menopause symptoms?

For some women, medical treatment is appropriate. As women enter menopause, bone density is a concern, mood swings might be intense enough to require medication, or the hormone changes feel so drastic that hormone therapy may be the best treatment.

Menopause is a breeze for some and far from it for others. It’s important to consult with your medical professional to make sure you have up to date information and support.  This doesn’t mean that every woman will need medical treatment for menopause. For some, the onset of perimenopause or menopause is easily manageable with self-care techniques and supplements, and the relationship challenges that may come up can be easily addressed with good communication or with the help of professional advice.

Some of my recommendations for help during menopause:

With estrogen production waning, many women entering menopause will experience vaginal dryness, and a good personal lubricant is key. This can help alleviate personal discomfort, painful sex and other physical challenges to intimacy. One of the brands I recommend most is Foria Wellness products, which contain broad-spectrum CBD oil derived from hemp. Good Clean Love, Femani wellness ( Smooth Touch) and Oasis (Silk) are also great lubricants if you prefer to skip the CBD.

Many health professionals are also recommending Bonafide products, especially for those who are not comfortable with hormone therapy or prefer to try a more natural route to relief. Bonafide currently makes four different hormone-free products to help women throughout their reproductive cycles, including products formulated to relieve hot flashes and mood swings, stimulate libido and alleviate vaginal dryness discomfort.

What if I’ve lost my appetite for sex?

Hormonal changes with menopause can also invite a loss in libido. Again, this is very common, but it may present an entirely different set of challenges in relationships. Sex doesn’t have to end with menopause, however! Supplements may help stimulate a waning libido, and learning new ways to enjoy your body and your partner’s during this time of change is not only helpful but can lead to a whole new path to intimacy.

Sex coaching can help. Over the years I have worked with a variety of different supplements and herbs that may help you move through this process more easily, and I can also teach you new techniques for navigating “the change” with pleasure. Menopause may be the end of reproduction, but it doesn’t have to be the end of sex and intimacy. Please get in touch if you have further questions or you’d like some help navigating through this significant life change. I’m here to help!