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You absolutely CAN have great sex with a small penis.

As a sex and intimacy coach, this one’s a topic many of us work with regularly. Penis anxiety is a real thing, spurred by stereotypes, porn stars, and cultural references, and it’s no good for anyone.

Sex coaching is about supporting you to love and appreciate your body, regardless of age, weight or size; helping you open up to what sexually works for YOU, regardless of what you think works for others; providing you with tools and education to expand your sexual repertoire; and helping you develop skills to overcome whatever inhibits you from having the sex life that fulfills you and makes you happy. – Dr. Namita Caen

Overcoming penis anxiety takes some work, sure. A lot of this anxiety begins at puberty, which means, by the time men seek help, they’re grown men with deeply-seated insecurities that have gotten in the way of them giving and receiving the pleasure they deserve. The great news is that there is help at hand! This article on Fatherly.com offers up a few physical suggestions for having great sex with a small penis. If anxiety around penis size is a challenge you face, give these tips a try, and, while I know it takes a lot of courage to consult a professional on such a sensitive, intimate topic, that’s what we’re here for – caring, non-judgmental, and absolutely practical advice, so you can get on with the business of great sex.