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Staying home isn’t easy for everyone.

It’s not surprising that the demand for online therapy is higher than ever right now. With all that we’re dealing with at this point in time, stress and overwhelm are high for many us. Our lives have shifted tremendously and important events have been cancelled. Many of us are suddenly working from home, shifting to working online, or attempting to work with children around all day without our normal caregiving systems in place. Some of us are isolated, feeling alone in our homes. Some of us are spending far more time in close proximity to our partners than we have in a long time or dealing with the separation of travel restrictions. Some of us are simply afraid for what our future will look like post-Corona. 

People are managing in different ways, and also in new ways, as we try to maintain connection and a semblance of regularity while staying home and social distancing. The internet has played a huge part in how we’re managing to stay connected. Zoom conferences, live-streamed concerts, and social media are helping,  and many of us who offer our therapeutic services online and in-person have seen an increase in people seeking council from home. Even Pornhub has temporarily rebranded itself as “StayHomeHub” and is offering its premium services for free during quarantine in an effort to give people something to do (and while I encourage you to look for ethical sources for porn, whatever it takes to stay home and maintain a sense of health and well-being right now is important). 

This isn’t easy for any of us. In all this shift, we’re having to find new ways to live our lives, communicate our needs, make decisions and take care of each other.  It’s important to be able to share our feelings with one another during this time and figure out how we can offer each other both the space and the support we need to get through this. There’s a lot to learn about our partnerships right now. If staying at home is bringing new challenges to your relationship, and you need online support, I’m here to help. How are you handling these times? I’d love to hear from you. If I can be of assistance to you with online coaching, please reach out.