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Arranged Marriages

It’s estimated that about half of marriages worldwide are arranged. These weddings are marital unions brought together by a third party, sometimes a matchmaker, sometimes the families. They are typically not forced marriages. While arranged marriages come with their...

The Quickie

Making time for sex and taking advantage of our windows of sexual opportunity can sometimes feel like a challenge.  Enter the quickie! Pleasure does not need to take a backseat when your life gets busy. Let’s explore the ins and outs of making the most of your...

Kiss Kiss

Kissing Ever wonder why humans are drawn to smooching? If you think too hard about it, it can start to seem like a strange behavior, but putting your mouth, face, nose, forehead, and cheeks up against your intimate partner is written all over our genetic code. So much...

Orgasmic Kissing

Is orgasmic kissing actually possible? “So long as lips shall kiss,and eyes shall see,so long lives this ,and this gives life to thee.” – Mallanaga Vātsyāyana, The Complete Kāma-Sūtra: The First Unabridged Modern Translation of the Classic Indian Text Also...