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Teaching Kids About Sex

Teaching kids about sex doesn’t have to be daunting. The internet is changing everything when it comes to teaching kids about sex. While children getting access to internet porn is a concern, there are several people and organizations that are building...

Help! I think I might be gay!

I think I might be gay. Now what? It takes courage to explore your sexuality, and sometimes I see clients who begin exploring theirs later in life – questioning if, perhaps, they might be gay or lesbian, or find they’re bi-curious and don’t know how to go about...

Vagina or vulva? Some basic facts everyone should know.

Is it vulva or vagina? Believe it or not, they aren’t interchangeable. It’s a common mistake made by many: vagina and vulva aren’t interchangeable words though, despite the endless references. “Vagina” refers only to the vaginal canal,...

Single Ladies: Let’s Get Real About Sex Ed

Raise your hand if your ideas about what EXACTLY to do during sex have come from: • Porn • Women’s Magazines touting Kim Kardashian • Embarrassed gym teachers assigned to teach Sex Ed in middle school (or worse…high school) • Sexual partners also self-educated via...