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What is Tantric sex? It’s all about connection.

While we usually think of, well, sex, when we hear these words, there’s a lot more to it! It’s also a practice of communication which places far more focus on deep, present, loving connection and energetic exchange than the actual, physical, penetrative act of sex. Tantric sex practices can be experienced alone or with a partner and they are a profound way of getting more deeply in touch with yourself, with your partner and with your body.

Modern Tantric sex, or Neo-Tantra, is based on the ancient Indian practice of Tantra which focuses on channeling sexual energy for spiritual growth.  This practice of Sacred Sexuality has many wonderful benefits individually and as a couple.

What’s so great about it?

Tantric sex can bring you to greater heights of pleasure, ecstasy and spiritual awareness, It’s not goal-oriented! Instead, it’s about savoring the journey of intimacy, connection and pleasure whether that culminates in intercourse and orgasms or not. This is one of the reasons I may recommend Tantric sex to clients who are working with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, difficulty reaching orgasm or a sexless marriage. Because it’s so connection-based, it’s a beautiful way for couples to develop deeper intimacy and new experiences in their relationship. Tantric sex may include breathwork, mindfulness, tuning in to your body’s sensations, deep listening and communication, creating loving rituals together and present-moment awareness. Being truly present with one another and attuning to each other’s needs with loving care is a doorway to a deeper level of intimacy.

How to get started:

You can learn about Tantric sex by working with an experienced and knowledgeable teacher. While I do recommend books for those looking to do a little research before they begin (check my resources page for my recommendations), working with a certified teacher will mean learning practices tailored to your individual needs and interests as well as a direct resource for guidance and questions. I am certified in Urban Tantra, a modern Tantric sex practice that accommodates all genders and sexual orientations and is kink-friendly. It is especially focused on developing a practice that works with your unique erotic energy. Whether you’re interested in developing a deeper awareness of your own body and sexual energy or you’re curious about introducing Tantric sex into your relationship, communication skills are a must. We can start where you’re at. I love teaching couples or individuals about Sacred sexuality. Please reach out if you need some help!