Edging for men: how can this practice help you? Learning to edge can provide longer, more intense orgasms, but perhaps the most important benefit for both men and women is that it allows you to really get in touch with your own arousal cycles and develop sexual...
Disability and sex aren’t mutually exclusive. Over 54 million people in the United States have some sort of disability, but this doesn’t mean sex isn’t available, possible or enjoyable. Pleasure is for everyone! Chronic illness or injury does not...
Certified sexological bodywork helps people get in touch with their bodies. Sexological bodywork takes place within clear boundaries and helps clients connect with themselves and the different felt sensations in their bodies. This may include movement, breathwork,...
Sex coaching and acupuncture work well together. “Acupuncture is a time-tested and effective modality to support many sexual health challenges in healing trauma and promoting emotional well being” — Nishanga Bliss, DSc, LAc ( Professor of acupuncture...
100 Vulvas: Laura Dodson’s Newest Photography Project Warning: Adult Content Laura Dodson, a photographer known for her “The Bare Reality” series, has featured breasts and penises in her previous installations. Her latest in the series, “100...
Using cannabis for menopause is helping many women with the changes that come. The onset of menopause can change everything for women, including how we see our bodies and how our bodies look and feel. With all the hormone fluctuations, we may see weight gain, vaginal...
Wondering what the difference is between sex coaching and sex therapy? It’s a question I hear a lot as a sex coach, and so here are some things to consider. What is sex coaching? The kind of sex coaching I offer is somatic and experiential (meaning it’s...
Penis Sensitivity: Men Being Vulnerable Warning: Adult Content The relationship between a man and his penis can sometimes reflects insecurity about penis size, erectile concerns, sexual performance skills and can affect a man’s sense of self worth and...
This past fall I traveled in London to work with a couple on a bespoke, weeklong retreat. I also filmed this in-depth interview with Flexible Films about my work – in it I discuss how I became a sex coach, what kinds of things you can expect when we work...
Recently I asked David Finer, a guest blogger with a focus on men’s sexual health, to write a two-part series offering tips to help couples working with challenges such as premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Here’s part 2! Five Effective...
As a sex and intimacy coach, I’m well aware that sometimes things arise that cool things off in the bedroom, dampening our passion and sexual connection. Recently I asked David Finer, a guest blogger with a focus on men’s sexual health, to write a two-part...
As a Sex intimacy and Relationship coach, one of my most frequently asked questions is what kind of challenges my clients most need help with? The most common concerns to date in my office are sexless relationships, erectile challenges, low desire, lack of sexual...
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