(415) 322-9411
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Certified sexological bodywork helps people get in touch with their bodies.

Sexological bodywork takes place within clear boundaries and helps clients connect with themselves and the different felt sensations in their bodies. This may include movement, breathwork, guided visualization, one-way touch, and verbal feedback and is designed to help people get “out of their heads” and back into their bodies, thereby developing a deeper sense of embodiment. It can be lightly described as a combination of massage (pleasure-based) and a form of physical therapy (clinically based).

Sexological bodyworkers are trained, certified sexologists who follow a code of professional conduct and ethics. As a sexual trauma-informed sex coach, sexological bodywork is one modality I may use in conjunction with sex coaching, especially when assisting adults who have had little sexual education, sexual trauma, shame or negative self or body self-image. Initial sessions may center around consent, communication, and boundaries in order to create a safe container for comfort, receiving touch, education, and growth.

There are times when having a more experiential real-time approach is more helpful for a client than simply talking about the issue. Sexological bodywork is a hands-on modality that is more direct and also allows me to see how someone’s body is responding to sensation and touch. I may suggest sexological bodywork in conjunction with sex coaching when a client is struggling with their own responses to touch, is working with a body that has changed, has physiological responses to trauma or is still learning their own body’s capacity for pleasure. This will not only help evaluate how a client responds to touch, but it also assesses their arousal regulation (especially helpful in working with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation or difficulty with orgasm). 

As with surrogate partner therapy or acupuncture, sexological bodywork is not recommended for all clients but can be a very useful adjunct to our sex coaching work together. Please get in touch and we can determine together whether Certified Sexological Bodywork may be of help to you on your journey to pleasure, intimacy, and embodiment.