Changing Your Relationship to Jealousy This fantastic podcast from Pleasure Mechanics addresses a topic we all encounter in relationships: jealousy – and how to make this natural emotion work for you by exploring its four primary sources: posessiveness, feelings...
Science says our bodies react to hugs like they do to many drugs. Hugging has been scientifically proven to reduce stress and heart rate, produce oxytocin (the “love” hormone), enhance our immune systems and more. These benefits begin when we’re...
Where did monogamy come from? Monogamy has a long and very interesting history. Check out this well-researched comic series on The Nib from Isabela Rotman and Sarah Mirk about the invention of the concept and how it has been a part of many cultures around the world...
Got a few minutes? Set them aside and read this great article in the NY Times, “How to Have a Better Relationship”. Take some informative quizzes on your love style and where you fall on the passion spectrum and read some illuminating facts on how to...
If you’ve been with a partner for awhile, you may have experienced the initial attraction, fascination, and fireworks fading over time. Your relationship matures, and new factors come into play like children, lifestyle, or health changes that can take the fun...
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