Using cannabis for menopause is helping many women with the changes that come. The onset of menopause can change everything for women, including how we see our bodies and how our bodies look and feel. With all the hormone fluctuations, we may see weight gain, vaginal...
Sexy nurse… sexy police officer… sexy kitty… sexy school girl… sexy Yoda? (yes it’s out there!) If you do a quick google search for sexy Halloween costumes you’ll receive results like “sexy Mrs. potato head” and “sexy Barney the purple dinosaur.” Each year it...
This past fall I traveled in London to work with a couple on a bespoke, weeklong retreat. I also filmed this in-depth interview with Flexible Films about my work – in it I discuss how I became a sex coach, what kinds of things you can expect when we work...
Really? Yes, really. Male and female sexuality are very, very similar in so many ways. The common thought is that men and women have very different approaches to sexuality, but this isn’t always the case. In fact, there are lots of similarities between male and...
If you’re attracted to more than one gender, you might call yourself bisexual or pansexual. What’s the difference? We’ve really put gender to the test in recent times, and as it turns out, it’s a social construct (unlike “sex”,...
Tantra or porn? Learning how to be intimate is a deep, rich and heart centered process of opening up vulnerability within oneself and with another. Porn on the other hand, offers a very different form of sexual gratification. What is your flavor? This article by...
Where did monogamy come from? Monogamy has a long and very interesting history. Check out this well-researched comic series on The Nib from Isabela Rotman and Sarah Mirk about the invention of the concept and how it has been a part of many cultures around the world...
Photo by Marcos Alberti from The O Project. Sex is more satisfying and fun when you can show up fully as yourself and let go of worrying about what you look like or what you think you should look like in bed. This wonderful series of real photos highlights the natural...
To all the virgins, shy guys (and ladies), and folks who, for one reason or another, have little or no experience in the bedroom – good news: it’s never too late to awaken to your sensuality and learn to form intimate partnerships. Your window of opportunity...
Feature interview in the Pacific Sun with Dr. Namita Caen What does it really take to stay intimate with a partner and continue to enjoy your own sexuality? How does one address boredom, thoughts of an open relationship, regular date nights and physical activity to...
The topic of female ejaculate is more openly talked about in the Bay Area Bubble than in many places. There are workshops and classes available in which women can learn how to bring forth and experience female ejaculation or “Amrita” as it is known in...
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