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Surrogate Partner Therapy: Experiential Embodied Sex Education

When it comes to navigating challenges with relationships, intimacy, and sexual confidence many people turn to therapy. For some, talk-based therapies like traditional sex therapy or sex coaching provide valuable insights and tools. However, there are circumstances...

Sexological Bodywork

What is somatic sex education? How about sexological bodywork? These experiential modalities are ground-breaking in the field of sex therapy & Intimacy coaching and can provide profound sexual healing and practical applicable education. Learn more about what this...

Surrogate Partner Therapy: What Is It? Can it Work for Me?

Sex therapy is a form of counseling designed to help couples and individuals address sexual issues, concerns and challenges. It’s usually practiced as a form of talk based therapy which can be extremely helpful for many clients. For others, an experiential hands-on...

Sexually-Abled: Disability and Sex

Disability and sex aren’t mutually exclusive. Over 54 million people in the United States have some sort of disability, but this doesn’t mean sex isn’t available, possible or enjoyable. Pleasure is for everyone! Chronic illness or injury does not...

What is Certified Sexological Bodywork?

Certified sexological bodywork helps people get in touch with their bodies. Sexological bodywork takes place within clear boundaries and helps clients connect with themselves and the different felt sensations in their bodies. This may include movement, breathwork,...

Surrogate Partner Therapy: Hands-On Sex Ed

What is Surrogate Partner Therapy? Surrogate Partner Therapy (SPT) is a form of experiential hands-on therapy facilitated by a  professionally-trained caring practitioner (a surrogate partner) who works with clients encountering challenges with sexuality and intimacy....