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Amrita: The Female Fountain

The topic of female ejaculate is more openly talked about in the Bay Area Bubble than in many places. There are workshops and classes available in which women can learn how to bring forth and experience female ejaculation or “Amrita” as it is known in...

A Win-Win Indeed!

The highly respected Kinsey Institute wants us all to know and enjoy the tremendous benefits of this sexual activity. From the pleasurable flush of feel good hormones to the anti-cancer-producing effects, to a good old-fashioned yet deeply healthful night of deep and...

What You Need To Know About The New Libido Pill For Women

From the August 20, 2015 LiveScience article Women’s Libido Pill Faces Skepticism After Approval: “Some health professionals are reacting with more enthusiasm than others about the first approved drug aimed at increasing women’s sexual desire. Known...