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Surrogate Partner Therapy: Experiential Embodied Sex Education

When it comes to navigating challenges with relationships, intimacy, and sexual confidence many people turn to therapy. For some, talk-based therapies like traditional sex therapy or sex coaching provide valuable insights and tools. However, there are circumstances...

Sexological Bodywork

What is somatic sex education? How about sexological bodywork? These experiential modalities are ground-breaking in the field of sex therapy & Intimacy coaching and can provide profound sexual healing and practical applicable education. Learn more about what this...

Sex and Antidepressants

Mental health challenges are normal. Life presents us with all sorts of challenges and it’s likely that, at some point, our mental health may be one of them. If depression has presented itself in your life, you know its effects can be far-reaching. Globally, rates of...

Libido and Arousal

How often do you want to have sex? Our desire for sexual frequency runs the gamut. Some folks plan a specific number of sexual experiences every week, some just want to enjoy it more spontaneously when the mood arises, some rarely want to have sex and some are not...

Your Penis is Good

If you’ve ever been disappointed by an erection not lasting as long as you would like, you’re in good company. While it’s common for many of us to jump straight to labeling it as a dysfunction, please be reassured that this is natural. Your penis is likely functioning...

Surrogate Partner Therapy: What Is It? Can it Work for Me?

Sex therapy is a form of counseling designed to help couples and individuals address sexual issues, concerns and challenges. It’s usually practiced as a form of talk based therapy which can be extremely helpful for many clients. For others, an experiential hands-on...

The Benefits of Sex Coaching Online & In-Person

With 2020 finally behind us, what’s next for this coming year? In 2021, put yourself, your loved ones, your health and whatever makes you happy FIRST. Prioritizing your health and your happiness includes prioritizing: your sexual health. If this is the first time...

Age is Nothing But a…Passionate Sex Life!

Featured in October 2020 Marin Independent Journal’s Senior Style (Special Section). Read below or at Senior Style. Stereotypical misconceptions surrounding sex at age 60+ shape the cultural narrative that sex is for younger generations and that older folks...

Coronavirus, Quarantine and Porn

Coronavirus, Quarantine and Porn Although it’s become somewhat of a joke ( so what else are people supposed to do while locked up at home?), there’s no denying the reality: porn-watching has currently become even more of an American pastime, as we all seek...

Identifying your Core Erotic Themes

What are “core erotic themes”? Your core erotic themes stem from the way you need to feel in order to feel sexually engaged. It’s your own personal and unique sexual wiring….the space you need to connect to and inhabit within yourself that lights you up...

Sex and Marriage: Where’s the Sex? (Part 2)

Sex and marriage go together… Right? Last week, I wrote about the all-too-common occurrence of sexless marriage, defined as a marriage (or relationship) in which there are low to no levels of sexual intimacy, generally less than ten times a year. While sure,...

It’s not the size of the boat…

It really IS the motion of the ocean! “The size of your penis has little to do with most women’s orgasms. In a study that asked hundreds of women what was important to them during intercourse, not one woman mentioned penis size! Instead they answered about men...