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Surrogate Partner Therapy: Hands-On Sex Ed

What is Surrogate Partner Therapy? Surrogate Partner Therapy (SPT) is a form of experiential hands-on therapy facilitated by a  professionally-trained caring practitioner (a surrogate partner) who works with clients encountering challenges with sexuality and intimacy....

Are Open Relationships For You?

Surprising Facts About Polyamory While not for everyone, polyamory (loving or being romantically involved with more than one person at a time) is becoming more accepted and embraced in many places, and it’s a topic that sometimes comes up when I work with...

Getting Into Spanking: Six Tips for Beginners

Getting Into Spanking? Communication is KEY. Recently, I was contacted by Men’s Health magazine for some tips on spanking. Apparently, 25% of Americans fantasize about it, but if you’re looking to bring spanking into your sex life, you will want to...

Male and Female Sexuality are More Similar Than You’d Think.

Really? Yes, really. Male and female sexuality are very, very similar in so many ways. The common thought is that men and women have very different approaches to sexuality, but this isn’t always the case. In fact, there are lots of similarities between male and...

Female Arousal: Desire Isn’t Always Spontaneous.

Female arousal and desire: sometimes it’s spontaneous, and sometimes it’s responsive. For women who have responsive sexual desire (which is an extraordinarily large number), it can be really important that they feel sexually desired. If the woman doesn’t...

Bisexual or Pansexual: Is There a Difference?

If you’re attracted to more than one gender, you might call yourself bisexual or pansexual. What’s the difference? We’ve really put gender to the test in recent times, and as it turns out, it’s a social construct (unlike “sex”,...

Vagina or vulva? Some basic facts everyone should know.

Is it vulva or vagina? Believe it or not, they aren’t interchangeable. It’s a common mistake made by many: vagina and vulva aren’t interchangeable words though, despite the endless references. “Vagina” refers only to the vaginal canal,...

Pain Free Sex with Cannabis Lube: Getting Your Vagina High

It’s not just for pleasure, but wow, the pleasure. Last month, I introduced readers to Ashley Manta, who coined the term “Cannasexual” for people who use cannabis to enhance their sex lives. With an aim toward removing stigmas and opening minds,...

Clitoral Stimulation: It’s Big.

What turns her on, and what really brings her to orgasm? Highlights from a study of a representative group of American women provided the data for this infographic, which focuses on vaginal intercourse and orgasm. The results may or may not be surprising depending on...

Tantra or Porn – what’s your flavor?

Tantra or porn? Learning how to be intimate is a deep, rich and heart centered process of opening up vulnerability within oneself and with another. Porn on the other hand, offers a very different form of sexual gratification. What is your flavor? This article by...

Nine Kinds of Vaginas

Who knew there were so many kinds of vaginas? “The best lovemaking begins with loving yourself” says Athena Lund, a healer and life coach from Boulder, Colorado, who focuses on sacred sexuality. Here, she explains the 9 types of vaginas as presented in the...