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Cultivating a Loving Relationship With Your Body

How do you really feel about your body? Do you ever find yourself feeling disconnected from it? Do you ever find yourself wishing that you could experience more pleasure? As Martha Kauppi says in her recent article, “without a connection to your body, desire and...

Sexual (In)Compatibility

How do we begin to improve our sexual connection when we feel a lack of sexual compatibility? What makes people seemingly incompatible? And is there always a route back to sexual connection?   Why are we attracted to certain people? Why do we look forward to...

Sexual Synesthesia

Ever heard of synesthesia? Experienced it? How about sexual synesthesia? We may not be aware of how we experience the world differently from others until we start to compare and contrast. Let’s explore synesthesia and see if it resonates with you?   What is...

Sexual Outercourse

You’ve heard of foreplay, but have you heard the term “outercourse”?  What comes to mind when you imagine it? And what’s the difference?  Expanding our definition of sex and what we focus on when we’re engaging in sexual play can elicit more enticement, create more...

Oral Sex

Is Oral Sex part of your sexual menu? How can you have more satisfying oral sex? Are you more of a giver, a receiver, or both? It might seem overly simple, but the key to manifesting toe-curling oral sex is making sure you are really enjoying what you’re doing, no...

Rebuilding Sexual Trust

Trust is the foundation for a strong relationship and great sex! Breaches in trust are often at the center of relational challenges, ongoing misunderstanding and breakdowns in communication. If your relationship has gone through a rough patch and your foundation feels...

Hooking Up

Casual sex, friends with benefits, and one night stands–they all have a common denominator: sex without a relationship commitment. If this is something you want, you can have it! Here are some pointers to help you with your more casual sexcapades.    Friends with...

Halloween Sex

With Halloween around the corner and dressing up on your mind, why not give those costumes another chance to show their glory, by giving them an encore in the bedroom!    Novelty Dressing up for sexual encounters can be sexy and seductive, and novelty is a...

Kiss Kiss

Kissing Ever wonder why humans are drawn to smooching? If you think too hard about it, it can start to seem like a strange behavior, but putting your mouth, face, nose, forehead, and cheeks up against your intimate partner is written all over our genetic code. So much...

Sex and Antidepressants

Mental health challenges are normal. Life presents us with all sorts of challenges and it’s likely that, at some point, our mental health may be one of them. If depression has presented itself in your life, you know its effects can be far-reaching. Globally, rates of...

Sexting 101

One of our most powerful communication tools is likely right inside your pocket: your phone.    Of all the many uses we have for our devices, one of the “hottest” is possibly the practice of Sexting! Sexting helps “build your simmer,” by creatively expanding...

Polyamory in a Pandemic

We have all been bearing the weight of shrinking our social circles this past year and minimized our physical contact in unprecedented ways to prevent the spread of Covid-19. To say the past year has been hard on those of us looking for love and sexual connections, is...