Get Vulnerable this Valentine’s Day: 36 Questions That Lead to Love
As we near Valentine’s Day, a day on which we celebrate love and romance, I invite you to take this opportunity to reacquaint yourselves with who you, and your partner, are right now. I have found that a wonderful way to do this is by engaging with “The 36 Questions That Lead to Love”. It was printed in The NY Times in 2015, and is a wonderful piece to revisit with your partner over the years. …
Interracial Dating and You
I was recently asked to participate in an Expert Roundup on interracial dating. A wide variety of relationship experts, coaches and therapists responded to questions on the topic, with my particular focus being on how to introduce a new partner of a different ethnicity to family. Communication is everything in relationships, whether it comes to sex, housecleaning, or the (potential) in-laws. Here, I offer advice on how to prepare for introductions beforehand – with respect, cultural sensitivity, and courage. …
How Using Cannabis for Menopause Can Help
Using cannabis for menopause is helping many women with the changes that come. The onset of menopause can change everything for women, including how we see our bodies and how our bodies look and feel. With all the hormone fluctuations, we may see weight gain, vaginal dryness, bone health changes, mood swings, and shifting attitudes about sex,...
The #metoo Movement: Freedom, Empowerment and Healthy Sex
The #metoo movement is empowering us in many ways in and out of the bedroom, including how we set and hold boundaries, and how we ask for what we need. Read on about how #metoo is changing the ways we communicate with each other. …
What Couples Therapy Sounds Like: An Interview with Esther Perel
Esther Perel, author of Mating in Captivity and, more recently, The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity (two books I highly recommend), was recently interviewed in The New Yorker. In this interview from Alexandra Schwartz conducted at the New Yorker Festival, Perel discusses couples therapy, romance, marriage, and infidelity – all topics she speaks on as an expert with over thirty years’ experience. Perel’s often-provocative approach to relationships can inspire new thinking about how we approach partnership, and how we look at and face challenges. …
Sex Coaching or Sex Therapy?
Wondering what the difference is between sex coaching and sex therapy?
It’s a question I hear a lot as a sex coach, and so I’d like to explain. …
Give yourself the Gift of Self-Pleasure this Holiday Season
For so many of us, the holiday season can potentially be a very stressful and busy time. Holiday parties, looking for the perfect gift for everyone on your list, long distance travel, family, the list goes on and on… However, winter, with its long, dark cozy nights, also offers the perfect opportunity to take some time to give yourself a gift...
Penis Sensitivity: 100 Men Talk About Theirs
Laura Dodsworth, a photographer with a focus on body image and self-perception, photographed 100 men and interviewed them about their penises. What did she uncover? …
Help! I think I might be gay!
It takes courage to explore your sexuality, and sometimes I see clients who are exploring theirs later in life – questioning if, perhaps, they might be gay, or find they’re bi-curious and don’t know how to go about learning more in a way that’s safe, beneficial and pleasurable. Navigating those waters can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be. Sex coaching can help with the challenges that may arise. How do I get myself out there? What if I’m bisexual and I’m married? how do I talk to my spouse? How do gay people have sex, anyway? …
Body Positive, Body Gratitude: A Thanksgiving ritual to perform all year long
Your body loves you On Thanksgiving, many of us will prepare and sit down to a delicious feast, yet some of us will feel regretful afterward, deliberately avoiding the scale and bathroom mirror until after the New Year’s resolutions begin. So many of us are unkind to our bodies; in our society men, women, and...