A great jam band knows how to communicate. Great sex, like great music, has soul, and soul comes from hearing and feeling each other and what you’re creating together. Just because you bring your instrument doesn’t mean you’re ready or willing to...
How does mama get her groove back? Recently I teamed up with Alicia Willoughby, a women’s health physical therapist, at the Luna Method for a workshop called “How Mama Gets Her Groove Back:: Sex, Intimacy, & Relationships After Kids”. The...
What is real intimacy? Relationships are no easy thing – communication can sometimes take everything we have, and if we don’t have solid skills, we often feel frustrated. There are those intoxicatingly blissful moments and endless days of sex at the...
Disability and sex aren’t mutually exclusive. Over 54 million people in the United States have some sort of disability, but this doesn’t mean sex isn’t available, possible or enjoyable. Pleasure is for everyone! Chronic illness or injury does not...
“How has aging hit you” As the New Year of 2019 started, the viral #10YearsChallenge hashtag made the rounds online as people shared side-by-side photos to see how they had aged in the past decade. It got me thinking, as time goes by it’s natural for our desires to...
Let’s talk about interracial dating. I was recently asked to participate in an Expert Roundup on interracial dating. A wide variety of relationship experts, coaches and therapists responded to questions on the topic, with my particular focus being on how to...
Your body loves you On Thanksgiving, many of us will prepare and sit down to a delicious feast, yet some of us will feel regretful afterward, deliberately avoiding the scale and bathroom mirror until after the New Year’s resolutions begin. So many of us are unkind to...
Sexy nurse… sexy police officer… sexy kitty… sexy school girl… sexy Yoda? (yes it’s out there!) If you do a quick google search for sexy Halloween costumes you’ll receive results like “sexy Mrs. potato head” and “sexy Barney the purple dinosaur.” Each year it...
This past fall I traveled in London to work with a couple on a bespoke, weeklong retreat. I also filmed this in-depth interview with Flexible Films about my work – in it I discuss how I became a sex coach, what kinds of things you can expect when we work...
Sex toys are becoming more mainstream, and Crave is taking it on the road in their vintage Airstream trailer, converted into a traveling factory and educational space. This is a good thing. As a sex and intimacy coach, I often recommend them, and studies have shown...
Say “I Love You” more. This article has made the rounds several times since it was first published, and it holds some deep truths and inspiration. If making resolutions for the upcoming new year are important to you, take a moment to read this article, The...
Tantra or porn? Learning how to be intimate is a deep, rich and heart centered process of opening up vulnerability within oneself and with another. Porn on the other hand, offers a very different form of sexual gratification. What is your flavor? This article by...
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