Ethical Porn: What it isn’t. Porn: love it or hate it, it’s here to stay. A lot of the commercial porn that’s out there exploits and objectifies its performers and encourages unhealthy stereotypes. While the compulsion to watch porn can sometimes...
What is polyamory and ethical non-monogamy? There are a lot of assumptions about polyamory and ethical non-monogamy, but scientists are starting to take a much closer look and the research results are revealing quite a bit. These relationships aren’t as common...
What’s the first thing you think of when you think of “male desire”? A Canadian research project is breaking up stereotypes about male desire and redefining social expectations, and the work is proving extremely valuable, especially for couples...
Sex and pregnancy aren’t mutually exclusive, but there are some things to consider! Sex is generally safe during pregnancy, though you might need to make some adjustments. When you’re pregnant, your body goes through a whole host of physical and hormonal...
According to this article, when BabyCenter recently surveyed more than 1,000 dads about what they want for Father’s Day, 57% picked getting intimate and making love. This is not surprising given that the bonding hormone oxytocin is at its highest in men after sexual...
Maybe you arrived here after last week’s Rekindle the Romance event with me and Jessica Kilde of Every Night Date Night. Authors love to spice up romance novels with every genre of fantasy, including sensual dominance and role play… but even if romance...
How does mama get her groove back? Recently I teamed up with Alicia Willoughby, a women’s health physical therapist, at the Luna Method for a workshop called “How Mama Gets Her Groove Back:: Sex, Intimacy, & Relationships After Kids”. The...
What is real intimacy? Relationships are no easy thing – communication can sometimes take everything we have, and if we don’t have solid skills, we often feel frustrated. There are those intoxicatingly blissful moments and endless days of sex at the...
Religion and sex? Aren’t those like oil and water? Not necessarily… Sex is a vital and important part of Christian and Jewish marriages – so much so it’s considered holy. And while there’s a common perception that religious people consider sex...
Disability and sex aren’t mutually exclusive. Over 54 million people in the United States have some sort of disability, but this doesn’t mean sex isn’t available, possible or enjoyable. Pleasure is for everyone! Chronic illness or injury does not...
What are aphrodiasiacs? Are they real, anyway? Throughout history, various cultures have attributed libido-lifting effects to certain foods and beverages. Most have heard of oysters or chocolate referred to as such – but… sparrow brains? Potatoes? For a...
“How has aging hit you” As the New Year of 2019 started, the viral #10YearsChallenge hashtag made the rounds online as people shared side-by-side photos to see how they had aged in the past decade. It got me thinking, as time goes by it’s natural for our desires to...
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