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Identifying your Core Erotic Themes

What are “core erotic themes”? Your core erotic themes stem from the way you need to feel in order to feel sexually engaged. It’s your own personal and unique sexual wiring….the space you need to connect to and inhabit within yourself that lights you up...

Sex and Marriage: Where’s the Sex? (Part 2)

Sex and marriage go together… Right? Last week, I wrote about the all-too-common occurrence of sexless marriage, defined as a marriage (or relationship) in which there are low to no levels of sexual intimacy, generally less than ten times a year. While sure,...

Bringing Sexy Back: Reviving a Sexless Marriage (Part 1)

Marriage without sex? Yes, it happens. Sexless marriage is one of the most common reasons couples come to work with me, and if you’re in one, you’re not alone — numerous recent studies from the past few years have shown that at least 15-20% of all...

Sexual Agreements and Conversations (Part 2)

What are sexual agreements, anyway? Sexual conversation and agreements with our partners about sex, invite a healthy discussion about what we’re open to… and not open to, and the parameters of the relationship itself. These conversations go beyond...

New Year, new you? 

Happy New Year! and welcome to this new decade. With all that’s happening in the world right now, focusing on ourselves may not feel like the most important thing we can do, but our ability to experience and share pleasure, both non-sexual and sexual, is...

Spelling Out the Language of Love

What is the language of love? If you’re here, likely you’ve heard of Gary Chapman’s seminal work, The Five Love Languages. These “languages” express the different ways we feel loved and appreciated. Chances are, you may not have the same...

Reconnecting During the Holiday Season

How to stay connected The holiday season is an invitation for joyous connection, and it’s also a busy time for many of us. When we’re so busy with social engagements, we might actually lose sight of what’s really most important – truly staying...

Setting Healthy Sexual Boundaries (Part 1)

Conversations about sex: Consent and setting healthy sexual boundaries Good communication skills are the bedrock of a connected, healthy relationship. Conscious communication creates space for growth, exploration and understanding as well as the opportunity to set...

The Basics of Power Play

What is power play? Power play actually exists in every relationship, whether we’re conscious of it or not. Power play here, however, refers to the popular BDSM practice of dominance and submission. Consent is the key aspect of conscious power play and requires...

Adult Fun for Halloween: Reactivating Your Erotic Imagination

Halloween isn’t just for kids! Maybe Halloween makes you think of wandering through the pumpkin patch, trick or treat with sugared-up kids and scary movie night…or it could be just the holiday to tap into a more playful, sexy adventurous you! Here’s...

Moving Through Menopause

Moving through menopause can be profound for women. It’s a life-changing process that can present both personal and relationship challenges. There may be physical and emotional changes such as hot flashes, fatigue, mood swings, vaginal dryness and changes in...

Getting Over it: How to Recover from an Affair

It might not feel like it, but you CAN recover from an affair. For a lot of people, when they discover their significant other has been having an affair, it’s a devastation they think they’ll never recover from. Many people see it as the immediate end of...